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"AurigaDoc Java XML-XSL based documentation tool."
zagruzit.com Editor: AurigaDoc Java-based XML-XSL to write XML documents and other open formats like HTML (single and multi-page documentation of them is a tool to convert) DHTML, PDF, PostScript, Formatting Objects (FOR), RTF, Java Help, Java (OHJ) and Oracle UNIX MAN Pages Help (. chm) HTML Help.

idea to keep a single source XML document () to convert the various formats using XSLT.

command-line interface and conversion function AurigaDoc additional java classes and work can be called ANT. Since the output format for a variety of sources XSL transformation as a parameter converter that AurigaDoc specify a custom XSL it is possible to customize the output is done using the XML document.

Built using open source software AurigaDoc such as Apache

Xerces - A Java-based XML (Extensibe Markup Language) parser.
Xalan - A Java-based XSLT (Transformation Extensibe Style) Apache engine.
FOP - A Java-based Apache Formatting Objects Implementation.
JFOR - A Java-based library for converting XSL FOR, RTF. Now you can download free AurigaDoc 1.40b.

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